take off, I v.tr. 1 To take s.o.'s attention off sth., umhail duine a thógáil de rud, aire duine a bhaint de rud. To take one's eyes off sth., do shúil a thógáil de rud. S.a. CHILL1 2. 2 a To take off the lid, an clár a bhaint (de rud). To take off one's clothes, do chuid éadaí a bhaint díot. S.a. HAT. Tp: To take off the receiver, an glacadóir a bhaint anuas, b Ardaím (duine) liom, chun siúil. He was taken off to prison, tugadh ar shiúl chun an phríosúin é. To take oneself off, bailiú leat. c To take so much off (the price of sth.), oiread áirithe a bhaint de luach ruda, d To take off a train, traein a bhaint den chlár. e To take off s.o., aithris a dhéanamh ar dhuine. II ► take off, v.i. Cuirim, bainim, chun siúil; Av: éiríonn de thalamh.
take-off, s. Éirí m de thalamh.
To take the chill off (sth.), rud a bhogadh, a théamh; an ghoimh a bhaint as (uisce).
To take the edge off sth., rud (scian, an goile) a mhaolú.
Take it from off the table, bain den bhord é.
To take the gloss off sth., an loinnir, an snas, a bhaint de rud.
Take off your hat, bain díot do hata.
To take s.o.'s mind off his sorrow, cian a thógáil de dhuine.
To take off one's coat, do chóta a bhaint díot.
To take sth. (from) off a shelf, rud a bhaint anuas de sheilf.
To take sth. off the price, an luach a ísliú beagán.
To take the strain off a beam, faoiseamh a thabhairt do bhíoma.
To take the pot off the fire, an pota a thógáil den tine.
To take the lid off sth., an clár a bhaint de rud.