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Similar words: eisean · seisear · seiseon · eisea- · heiseán
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I come after he goes, tiocfaidh mise tar éis dó sin imeacht, nuair a bheas seisean imithe.
'That is so,' he agreed, ‘is fíor sin,' ar seisean, ag teacht liom ar an scéal.
He saw it also, chonaic seisean é chomh maith céanna.
He is bad, and she is no better, tá seisean go holc, is ní taise di sin.
He will do it for me as a matter of course, déanfaidh seisean dhom é ar ndóigh.
'That is false' he cried, 'deargéitheach!' ar seisean de bhéic.
"What a misfortune!" he ejaculated, "a leithéid de thubaist!" ar seisean d'uaill.
He will go there and you will stay here, rachaidh seisean ann agus fanfaidh tusa anseo.
He would not go, ní rachadh seisean.
'Nonsense!' he interjected, 'amaidí chainte!' ar seisean go tobann.
He does the less work, is lú an obair a dhéanann seisean.
He must make the first move, caithfidh seisean an chéad iarracht a dhéanamh.
He shall not go nor you either, ní rachaidh seisean ann ná tusa ach oiread leis, ach chomh beag.
He is nothing the worse for it, (i) níl seisean thíos leis dada; (ii) ní donaide é é.
He provided for everything, sholáthraigh seisean gach uile shórt.
He did it as well as the rest, rinne seisean é mar dhuine.
'This was a great mistake,' he resumed, 'ba mhór an dearmad é seo,' ar seisean, ag labhairt dó arís.
'That's your business,' he retorted, 'sin é do ghnósa,' ar seisean, ar an dara focal.
'I am sick,' said he, said John, 'tá mé tinn,' ar seisean, arsa Seán.
I shall go and he will arrive, imeoidh mise agus tiocfaidh seisean.
She will go there and he will stay here, rachaidh sise ann agus fanfaidh seisean anseo.
Many people would have run away -- Not so he, is iomaí duine a theithfeadh -- Ach níor theith seisean.
We treat him somewhat as he treated us, tugaimid an riar céanna dó beagnach a thug seisean dúinne.
Said he, with a superior air, ar seisean go díomasach.
He did the same thing, rinne seisean an cleas céanna.
Some were left short, whereas he got more than his share, fágadh roinnt ar an gcaolchuid, cé go bhfuair seisean breis agus a chion.
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