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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for size »
size1, s. 1 a Méid f, toirt f, tomhas m, oiread m. To take the size of sth., tomhas m ruda a thógáil. All of a size, uile ar aon mhéid amháin, ar chóimhéid. (Of drawing, etc.) Drawn full size, tarraingthe sa mhéid nádúrtha. It is heavy for its size, trom ina oiread. P: That's about the size of it, mar sin, sin é anois agat é. b To cut a piece to size, píosa a ghearradh ar thomhas áirithe. 2 a (Of pers., horse, etc.) Airde f. He is three times my size, mo thrí oiread ann. b Com: Tomhas m (bróg, etc.). Small size, tomhas beag. What size do you take? cad é an uimhir a chaitheann ? c Cruth m -a (leabhair). d Cailibre m (gunna); toirt f (gráin)
size2, v.tr. 1 Roinnim de réir méide. 2 a Cailibrím, grádaím. b Oiriúnaím (ball innill) mar le méid.
size3, s. a Bián m. b Tex: Treiscín m.
size4, v.tr. Cuirim bián ar (pháipéar, etc.); cuirim treiscín faoi (éadach).
They are of a size, siad ar aon mhéid.
(Of paper, book, etc.) Bastard size, tomhas corr.
Phot: Cabinet size, méid f albaim.
The receipts are conditioned by the size of the hall, braitheann an fáltas ar fhairsinge an halla. Riochtaím.
Decent-sized house, teach cuíosach mór.
They are of equal size, height, length, etc. siad ar chóimhéid, ar chomhairde, ar chomhfhad, etc.
Medium-sized, leathmhór.
A medium-sized horse, scothchapall m, leathchapall.
Middle size, meántoirt f, meánmhéid f.
A middle-sized horse, leathchapall m, scothchapall m.
Of middling size, leathmhór, scothmhór.
The next larger size (in shoes, etc.), an uimhir is ina dhiaidh sin.
To size up s.o., miosúr duine a thógáil.
Fair-sized, mór go maith, réasúnta mór.
Large-sized, toirtiúil.
Standard size, gnáthmhéid f.
Com: Stock size, gnáth-thomhas m,
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