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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for tea »
tea, s. 1 Tae m. a To drink tea, tae a ól. Weak tea, strong tea, tae lag, láidir. Watery tea, anglais tae. b Afternoon tea, tae beag. High tea, tae agus anlann. They had eggs for tea, bhí uibheacha ar an tae acu. 2 Tiosún m.
Will you have any more tea? an n-ólfaidh tuilleadh tae?
Tea(-caddy), boiscín m tae; taebhosca m.
Tea-cup, cupán m tae.
I could do with a cup of tea now, dhéanfadh cupán tae aon dochar dhom anois.
To draw the tea, an tae a chur ar tarraingt.
To let the tea draw, ligean don tae tarraingt.
Shop that makes a feature of its China tea, siopa a dhéanann cúram ar leith de thae na Síne.
To have tea with s.o., tae a ól i gcuideachta duine.
F: To take tea with a lot of old hens, tae a ól i gcuideachta scata cailleach.
Tea infuser, insilteoir tae.
Afternoon tea has become an institution, an tae beag ina bhun-nós anois.
Liberal provision of tea, lón fairsing tae.
To make the tea, an tae a dhéanamh, a fhliuchadh.
A meat tea, tae agus feoil leis.
I shouldn't mind a cup of tea, d'ólfainn braon tae bhfaighinn é.
The tea was nice and sweet, bhí an tae breá milis.
To be out of tea, bheith rite as tae.
A plain tea, tae tur.
To put milk in one's tea, bainne a chur ar do chuid tae.
Tea without a scrap of sugar, tae gan oiread agus gráinne siúcra air.
Serve him with tea, cuir, scaoil, braon tae chuige.
To let the tea stand, an tae a fhágáil ar tarraingt.
To give one's tea a stir, an tae a mheascadh.
A storm in a tea-cup, cogadh na sifíní.
As a substitute for tea, in ionad tae.
My tea is too sweet, an iomarca siúcra ar mo chuid tae.
Used tea-leaves, cnámhóga fpl tae.
Tea things, soithí mpl, gréithe fpl.
To wash up the tea things, the dinner things, na soithí, na gréithe, a .
He travels in tea, in spirits, taistealaí tae, biotáille, é.
Traveller in tea, taistealaí m tae.
This tea is pretty washy, an tae seo ina uiscealach, ina anglais.
F: To wet the tea, an tae a fhliuchadh.
This tea is wretched stuff, an tae seo go hainnis, gan mhaith.
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