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Similar words: iarchonn
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Above twenty, thar scór, os cionn scóir.
Capital! thar cionn!
(Intensive) Like one o'clock, go hiontach, thar cionn, thar barr.
He took to Latin like a duck to water, tháinig an Laidin leis thar cionn.
It is excellent, tá sé ar fheabhas, thar cionn.
We got on like a house on fire, d'éirigh thar cionn linn, réitíomar go hiontach le chéile.
It's great! tá sé ar fheabhas! go seoigh! thar cionn.
He made a great hit, d'éirigh thar cionn leis.
It is a great hit, tá éirithe thar cionn leis.
F: He's hot stuff at hurling, iománaí thar cionn é.
He dealt himself a nap hand, thug sé lámh thar cionn dó féin.
He succeeded to perfection, d'éirigh leis thar cionn.
The night was a great success, d'éirigh thar cionn leis an oíche.
That suits me to a T, feileann sin dom thar cionn.
That's topping!, tá sé sin thar cionn saoil!
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