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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for thousand »
thousand, 1 num.a. Míle(folld. by nom. sg.) A thousand men, cows, years, míle fear, bó, bliain. A thousand apologies! do mhíle pardún. 2 num.s. Míle m. I paid five thousand for it, thugas cúig mhíle air. The year 4000 B.C., bliain a ceithre mhíle roimh Chríost. Thousands of people, na mílte (duine). Thousands upon thousands, na mílte míle. He is one in a thousand, duine thar dhaoine é.
(Passive use) His debts add up to a thousand pounds, tá míle punt d'fhiacha air idir an t-iomlán.
He is one among a thousand, fear as an míle atá ann.
Twenty thousand foot, fiche míle coisí.
Twenty thousand horse and foot, fiche míle idir chois agus mharcshlua.
The burglars got away with a thousand pounds, d'ardaigh na gadaithe míle punt leo.
They died in hundreds, in hundreds of thousands, fuair siad bás ina gcéadta, ina gcéadta míle.
I've been let in for a thousand, fágadh míle (punt) orm.
I lost a thousand pounds, chaill mé míle punt.
They numbered two thousand, bhí siad dhá mhíle ann; bhí dhá mhíle acu ann.
Forty odd thousand, idir daichead agus leathchéad míle.
A thousand pounds is a pretty penny, is mór an t-airgead é míle punt.
One thousand people, míle duine.
F: Thousand-pounder, nóta m míle punt.
Aut: F: Two thousand revs a minute, dhá mhíle casadh sa nóiméad.
Typ: Run of three thousand copies, rith m de thrí mhíle cóip.
His income runs into thousands, tá na mílte de theacht isteach aige.
If I had an income of say a thousand a year, dá mbeadh, déarfaimid, míle punt sa bhliain de theacht isteacht agam.
Hall seated to hold a thousand, halla ina bhfuil suíocháin, áit suite, do mhíle.
Population of a thousand souls, pobal míle duine.
If you could spring to a thousand pounds, dá dtiocfadh leat ardú go míle punt.
A thousand thanks! go raibh céad maith agat! fáinne óir ort!
The takings have topped a thousand pounds, scoith an teacht isteach an míle.
F: the upper ten (thousand), an uasalaicme, na huaisle.
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