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New English–Irish Dictionary has an entry for toe »
toe1, s. 1 Méar f coise. Great toe, big toe, ordóg na coise. Little toe, lúidín f, laidhricín coise. He came down on (the points of) his toes, tháinig anuas ar a bharraicíní. P: To turn up one's toes, na boinn a chur os do chionn. 2 a Bairbín m (stoca, etc.). b Farr: Tosach m (crúibe); barr m (crú). c Golf: Barr m (maide gailf). d (Of pipe) Gob m. 3 Mch: Soc m. 4 Buntaca m (áirse, etc.).
toe2, v.tr. 1 To toe a sock, bairbín m a chur i stoca. To toe a shoe, bairbín m a chur ar bhróig. 2 To toe the line, the mark, (i) seasamh ar an gcailc, ar an sprioc; (ii) F: géilleadh don riail. 3 F: To toe and heel it, damhsa a dhéanamh. 4 Fb: Tugaim bairbín do (pheil). 5 Golf: Barrbhuailim (liathróid).
Great toe, ordóg f (na coise).
To turn one's toes out, aghaidh na gcos a bheith amach agat.
A pigeon-toed person, duine a bhfuil siúl na circe aige.
Square toe, barraicín m leathan (bróige).
To stub one's big toe against sth., d'ordóg a smiotadh ar rud.
On the tips of the toes, ar na barraicíní.
Two-toed, three-toed, dhámhéarach, trímhéarach; (ainmhí) dhá mhéar, trí mhéar.
From top to bottom, top to toe, ó sháil go rinn; ó bhun go barr.
To turn one's toes in, barra na gcos a chasadh isteach.
His toes turn in, na cosa iompaithe isteach aige.
To turn out one's toes, na cosa a iompú amach.
His toes turn out, na cosa iompaithe amach aige.
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