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Éirinn could be a grammatical form of: Éire »
Éirinn : éire.
Bhí rí ar Éirinn, there was a king of Ireland.
An chéad lá riamh, in Éirinn, on the very first day.
As Éirinn ó cheart iad, they came originally from Ireland.
Rinne siad trí cuibhrinn d’Éirinn, they apportioned Ireland in three parts.
Díbríodh as Éirinn iad, they were expelled from Ireland.
Áit ~ in Éirinn, some place, somewhere, in Ireland.
Cibé, pé, in Éirinn é, whoever he may be; whatever it may be.
Chomh luath in Éirinn (agus is féidir leat), as soon as ever (you can).
An chéad lá in Éirinn, on the very first day.
Ní fheadar in Éirinn, I don’t know on earth.
Dá siúlfá ~, dá gcuirfeá slat ar Éirinn, ní bhfaighfeá a leithéid, if you were to travel, to search, all Ireland, you would not get the like of it.
In Éirinn na gceithre mbeann, within the four corners of Ireland.
In Éirinn ~, in Ireland long ago.
~ Gall ar Éirinn, foreign domination of Ireland.
~ gall ar Éirinn, foreign occupation of Ireland.
Níor ghnóthaigh sé a bheag in Éirinn, he achieved nothing in Ireland.
D’~ sé d’Éirinn, he played for Ireland.
A ~a idir Éirinn agus Albain, how he fared between Ireland and Scotland.
~ d’Éirinn, west of Ireland.
Sheol ~ loinge díobh as Éirinn, a shipload of them sailed from Ireland.
Dá ~imis Éirinn, if we were to travel Ireland.
Dá gcuirfeá ~ ar Éirinn (ní bhfaighfeá a leithéid), if you were to search the whole of Ireland (you wouldn’t find the like of it).
Srathnaíodh seol dobróin ar Éirinn, a pall of sorrow was spread over Ireland.
~ na muintire seo ar Éirinn, the testimony of these people in regard to Ireland.
Bhí an long ag ~ ar Éirinn, the ship was bound for Ireland.
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