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Similar words: céin · déin · éin · féin · géin
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-éin could be a grammatical form of: éan »
-éin3, suff. (gs. ~e). -ene.
éin1 : éan1.
éin-2 = aon-3
~ na huibhe circe, an éin ghé, na gloine, na fola, gentle treatment; coddling.
~ duine, ainmhí, éisc, éin, mouth of person, of animal, of fish, of bird.
~ an éin gé, na raithní, na sailí, rapid growth (as of a gosling, fern, willow).
~ éin, bairnigh, tail-end of bird, of limpet.
Éin ag cur cluimhrí, birds feathering (out).
~ duine, ainmhí, éin, leg of person, of animal, of bird.
~ éin, cait, portáin, claw of bird, of cat, of crab.
1. Éin na spéire, birds of the air.
Éin tí, domestic fowl.
Éin uisce, waterfowl.
1. ~ ainmhí, éin, éisc, tail of animal, of bird, of fish.
Éirí leis an n~, le ~ an éin, an ghealbhain, to rise with the lark, with the dawn.
~ éin, bird-call.
~ éin, bird’s beak.
~ éin, rising of bird.
~ éin, drumstick of bird.
~ (éin), tiny nestling.
Éin mhara, sea-birds.
~ éin, spideoige, bird’s, robin’s, nest.
Éin ag neadú sna toim, birds nesting in the bushes.
1. ~ linbh, uain, éin, pet child, lamb, bird.
~ éin, bird-trap.
~ éin, bird’s wing.
Éin ag seinm, birds singing.
~ éin, bird’s-eye weave.
~ duine, ainmhí, éin, tongue of person, of animal, of bird.
~ ainmhí, éin, rump of animal, of bird.
~ ainmhí, éin, breast of animal, of bird.
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