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~ a chur le scéal, to add to a story.
Agus cúpla ceann eile mar ~, and a few more added for good measure.
Chuir sé ~ sa scéal, he added to, qualified, the statement.
~ a chur in uacht, to add a condition to a will.
Gan cur leis ná ~t de, without adding to or subtracting from it.
Cuir ~ eile leis, add a little more to it.
Le ~ áthais a chur air, to add to his joy.
~ bhreisluacha, value-added tax.
I dteannta na gceirtlíní, to add to my troubles.
~a a chur le scéal, to add to, adorn, a story.
A chóimhéid uisce a chur leis, to add an equal amount of water to it.
Píosa a chur as rud, to add a piece to sth.
Nótaí a chur le rud, to add notes to sth.
~ giota eile leis, add another bit to it.
Chuir mé orlach leis, I added an inch to it.
Cur le ciste, le scéal, le clú duine, to add to a fund, to a story, to s.o.’s reputation.
Chuir mé ~ bheag, ~í beaga, air, I added little finishing touches to it.
Tae a dhathú, to add milk to tea.
~ a chur in arán, to leaven, add yeast to, bread.
Cuir ~ mine air, add a handful of meal to it.
Fadú le, ar, rud, to add to sth.
~ a chur ar rud, to add something extra to sth.; to top sth.
Plúr a fhliuchadh, to add liquid to flour (in baking).
a chur i rud, le rud, to add vigour to sth.
~ a chur le buille, to add impetus to a blow.
Ag cur i g~ na taisce, adding to the hoard.
Cuir braon uisce ina cheann, add a drop of water to it.
A naoi le a deich, nine added to ten.
Neartaigh siad linn, they added to our strength.
~ (beag) a chur ar an tae, to add (a little) milk to the tea.
Chuir sé a ~ féin ann, he added his own trimmings to it.
1. ~ a chur ar rud, to adorn, add beauty to, sth.
3. Méadú ar, to add to, increase.
Cuir ~ shiúcra air, add a spoonful of sugar to it.
Tá sé ag dul chun ~e, it is adding up, becoming a tidy sum.
Figiúirí a shuimiú, to add figures.
An ~ a chur i gceann na héagóra, to add insult to injury.
Chuir siad míle de thimpeall orthu féin, they added a mile to their journey by going round.
Tromú ar fhocal, to add weight to a word; to make a statement sound more impressive.
~ a chur le rud, to add more to sth.
Rud a thabhairt mar thuilleadh, to add sth. for good measure.
~ a chur i rud, to add malice to sth.
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