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Bhí míle agam air, I was a mile ahead of him (in race).
Ar ~ leat, go ahead.
~ romhat é, push it ahead of you.
~ ar aghaidh, go right ahead.
~ romhat isteach sa halla, go ahead into the hall.
Ag brú chun cinn, pushing ahead.
Tá siad (i bhfad) chun cinn orainn, they are (far) ahead of us.
Nár choiglí Dia thú! Go ahead, and good luck to you!
4. Dár gcionn, ahead.
Tá an samhradh dár gcionn, the summer lies ahead of us.
~amh ceann ar aghaidh, chun cuain, to make straight ahead, for harbour.
~ ar aghaidh, straight ahead.
Rinne mé ~ leis mar go raibh lá mór oibre roimhe, I gave him something extra (to eat) because he had a hard day’s work ahead of him.
Long ag ~adh roimpi, a ship cutting ahead, making great way.
~ leat, hurry on ahead; make off.
Ní grian a ghoras a ubh, he knows how to plan ahead, is quite a schemer.
~ thusa na carranna atá romhat, follow you the cars ahead of you.
~ leis! Let him go ahead, have his way!
Tá sé go ~ chun tosaigh orthu, he is far ahead of them.
Ag ~adh chun cinn, forging ahead.
Go ~ romhat! Slow ahead!
Tá turas ~ romhainn, we have a tough journey ahead of us.
Tá ~ an rása leat, you have a clear run ahead of you, have surmounted your difficulties.
Shiúil siad romhainn, they walked ahead of us.
Gabh thusa romhainn, you go ahead of us, take the lead.
Tá mala mhór romhainn go fóill, there is a steep incline still ahead of us.
Téigh caol díreach romhat, go straight ahead.
Amharc, breathnaigh, dearc, romhat, look ahead, where you are going, to the future.
Bhí bliain chrua romhainn, we had a hard year ahead of us.
Tá (sé uile) romhat; is romhat atá, it is all ahead of you; time will tell.
~adh amach, chun cinn, to dash out, ahead.
5. ~ leat, fire away, go ahead.
Rachaimid chun cinn leis, we will go ahead with it.
An té is faide chun tosaigh, the person farthest ahead.
Tá siad chun tosaigh orainn sa rás, they are ahead of us in the race.
Ag ~adh chun cinn, forging ahead.
Tá ~ oibre romhat, you have a lot of work ahead of you.
Tá ~ fada romhainn, we have a long journey ahead of us.
Tugaimis ~ ar an learg seo romhainn, let us breast this slope ahead of us.
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