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téigh chuig, chun, v.i. 1. Go, proceed, to. (a) Dul chun an tsiopa, chun an mhargaidh, chun na cathrach, to go to the shop, to the market, to the city. Chuaigh siad chun farraige, they went to sea. (b) Dul chun tosaigh, to go to the front, to progress. Dul chun deiridh, to go to the rear, to fall behind, to fail. Rachaimid chun cinn leis, we will go ahead with it. (c) Dul chun (an) dlí le duine, to go to law with s.o. An rachfá chun cainte leis ar mo shon? Would you speak to him on my account? Ba mhaith liom dul chun socraithe leo, I would like to treat with them. Rachaidh siad chun troda go fóill, they will start to fight yet. Dul chuig bean, to ask for a woman in marriage. 2. Develop, become. Rachaidh sé chun tairbhe duit, it will benefit you. Chuaigh an fliuchadh chun fiabhrais dó, the wetting he got brought on a fever. Tá an aimsir ag dul chun brothaill, the weather is getting sultry. Ag dul chun gannchúise, getting scarce. Ach is ag dul chun an donais atá siad, but they are only getting worse and worse. Má théann sé chuige sin, if it comes to that.
Dé hA~ seo chugainn, seo a chuaigh thart, next, last, Friday.
Chuaigh mé ~ díreach chuige, I went straight to him.
Dul ~ duine, to go to, to approach, s.o.
Dul ~ áit, cruinniú, to go to a place, to a meeting.
Dul, teacht, ar ~ (chuig, chun), to go, come, on a visit (to).
Dul chuig, fios a chur ar, an ~, to go to, send for, the doctor.
Tá ~ orm dul chuig damhsa, I am badly prepared to go to a dance.
Dul chuig an bh~, chun ~e, ar ~, to go to confession.
Dul chuig ~, to go to a picture.
Dul chuig ~, to go to a dance.
Rachainn faoin ~ chuige, I’d risk anything for it.
Dul chuig an ~, to go to the priest, to confession. (Address)
Má théann tú ar ais chucu ~, if you go back to those people.
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