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Níl aon mhaith le duine ar bith aige sin, he thinks nobody is any good.
Má bhíonn (aon) ~ agat air, if you have time to spare for it.
Ní raibh aon ~ agam ar an leabhar a léamh, I hadn’t time, leisure, to read the book.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
Ar aon ~, of one mind.
Tá an bheirt acu ar aon ~, they are both the same height.
Níl aon ~ agam air, I have no assurance of it.
Ní raibh m’~ ar aon duine riamh, nobody could regret it more than I do.
Níl aon chur ~ agam air, I have no knowledge of it.
Bhíomar ar aon scoil ~, we were at the same school.
Tá aon chosúlacht ~ uile orthu, they all look the same, alike.
Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again.
Ní raibh aon ~ air, he was not badly treated.
Ar an gcéad ~, to begin with.
Níl ~ ní air, there is nothing the matter with him.
Ní rachaidh mise ar ~ fharraige inniu, I will not go to sea under any circumstances today.
Tá siad ar ~ dath, ar ~ airde, le chéile, they are both the same colour, height.
Ar ~ aigne, intinn, of one mind, intention.
Ar ~ fhocal, ar ~ tuairim, leat, in agreement with what you say, think.
Ar ~ dul le, uniform with.
Níl aon ní eile ag cur ~e air, nothing else concerns, bothers, him.
Aon bhail amháin a thabhairt orthu uile, to treat them all alike.
Níl aon bharainn uirthi, she is a bad manager.
De bharr ar aon duine eile, more than, rather than, any one else.
Níl ach aon bhealach amháin air, there is only one way to do it.
Ar aon bhealach, at any rate.
Níl ~ agam, níl mo bheann, ar aon duine, I am a free agent; I care for no man.
Ar aon bhonn, on equal footing.
Bheith ~ ar aon le duine, to be on equal footing, terms, with s.o.
Dul ar aghaidh ~ ar aon, to advance together, in unison.
Bheith ar aon bhord le duine, to sit at the same table with s.o.
Níl mé ag brath ar aon duine, I am not dependent on anyone.
Níl aon bhreacadh fós ar an lá, the day shows no sign of improvement.
Níl aon bhreith aige ort, he can’t compare with you.
Níl a fhios ag aon duine cá luíonn an bhróg ar an duine eile, one never knows what someone else’s troubles may be.
Gach aon duine agus a bhuairt féin air, everybody has his own troubles.
Ar aon bhuille, striking in unison.
Ar bhuille a haon, on the stroke of one.
Níl aon bhuíochas acu ar a chéile, they are not on friendly terms.
Táimid ar aon, d’aon, bhuíon, we are together, in one company; we are of one accord.
Ná cuireadh sin aon chaduaic ort, don’t let that trouble you.
Níl aon chaitheamh sa saol orm, I haven’t a care in the world.
Níl aon chall bróin air, he has no cause for sorrow.
Ar aon chaoi; ar chaoi ar bith, anyway, in any case.
Níl aon cheal orainn, we want for nothing.
Aon cheann, ~ ar bith, acu, any one of them.
Níl sé á cheilt ar aon duine, he makes no secret of it.
Ar aon chéim le, of equal rank with; on a par with.
An bhfuil aon cheo ar siúl? Is there anything on, afoot?
Níor choinnigh aon duine cúl air, nobody held him back.
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