~ béil, cinn, mental arithmetic.
Ní raibh ~ súl ná béil air, his features were unrecognizable, he was all bespattered (with mud, etc.).
~í béil a thabhairt le rud, to give one’s word for sth.
Dúirt tú lán béil d’fhocal, you said a mouthful.
Tá sé ina lán béil acu, they speak of him as a great fellow.
Ag teacht chun béil, getting a proper edge on, getting into proper working order.
~ béil ní bhfuair mé, not a bite, a sup, did I get.
Briathra béil, spoken words.
Dá ndéanfadh briathra béil é, if talk could do it.
Cliabh a líonadh go ~ béil, go ~ bruach, to fill a creel to the very top.
Tá an ~ béil agat air, you have laid the framework for the job.
~ béil, oral, verbal, account.
~ béil, ingne, the painting of lips, of nails.
~ béil, the rouging of lips.
~ tosaigh, béil, front door.
~ crúibe is béil, foot-and-mouth disease.
~ béil a chur ar dhuine, to gag s.o.
~ béil, verbal abuse, revilement.
Níl léamh ná scríobh ná ~ béil air, it defies all description.
Níl ~ sna leabhair air; níl ~ ná scríobh (ná insint béil) air, it passes comprehension, defies description.
~ béil, scríofa, faoi shéala, verbal, written, sealed, order.
~ béil (orgáin), flue-pipe (of organ).
~ béil, verbal expression, statement.
~ite béil, statements, remarks.
~ béil, (i) thrush, (ii) orf.
~ baile, béil, na ndaoine, local, oral, popular, tradition.
port ar an orgán béil dúinn, play (up) a tune on the mouth-organ for us.
~ béil, oral instruction; oral tradition.