Tháinig coinnle ar a shúile, ina radharc (le lúcháir, le fearg), his eyes lit (with joy), blazed (with anger).
Thug sé a g~ don fhear thíos, he told them to go to blazes.
Téigh tigh, i dtigh, diabhail! Go to blazes!
D’imigh sé mar a bheadh an ~ ann, he ran like blazes.
Dó is ~ air! To blazes with him, it!
In ainm na ~ (cuir uait é), (get rid of it) to blazes.
~adh sé i dtigh diabhail! Let him go to blazes!
Tine ghleadhrach, blazing, cheerful, fire.
2. ~ (thine), bright, blazing, fire.
Gabhadh sé go h~! Let him go to blazes!
~ an sliabh, the mountain blazed.
~ ghréine, blaze of sunlight.
~ orthu! To blazes with them!
Phléasc sé orm, he blazed out at me.
Capall ~, horse with blaze.
In aice leis an ~, close to the blaze, to the fire.
~ feirge, blaze of anger.
Tine ~, cheerfully blazing fire.
1. ~ (thine), blazing fire.
Dul i dtigh diabhail, to go to blazes.