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~ ar chlú, blow to reputation, to character.
Duine a bhfuil an dea-cháilíocht aige, a person of good qualities, character.
Léifinn do chláiríní duit, I would read your palms, your character, for you.
Mhill, scaip, siad a chlú, they defamed his character.
Is réidh stiall de chraiceann duine eile agaibh, you have little regard for other people’s character.
Tógfaidh ~ dubh ach ní thógfaidh dubh ~, it is easier ‘to blacken colour than to colour black’, to blacken character than to restore it.
Tá an dá Bhrian ann, there are two sides to Brian’s character.
~ i nduine, bad flaw in person’s character.
~ i nduine, inherent weakness of character in person; wickedness, vile temper, in person.
Is é an ~ é, he is a wicked character.
Níl a dhuáilcí mór, he has few vices; there are not many defects in his character.
Clú na comharsan a ghoid, to take away a neighbour’s character.
Cáil duine a léamh dó, to read, proclaim, s.o.’s character.
Clú duine a mhaslú, to revile s.o.’s character, draw opprobrium on s.o.
~ phíob, row of (organ) pipes of one character, stop.
Thaispeáin sé é féin an iarraidh sin, he showed his true character that time.
a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a reference (of character).
~ a thabhairt do dhuine, to give s.o. a certificate of character.
Tá an ~ sin inti, it is a trait in her character.
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