~ báis, binse, cimithe, coirp, cuardaigh, gabhála, urghabhála, death, bench, committal, body, search, arrest, seizure, warrant.
Neart coirp, bodily strength.
Bhí an bhó ag cur a coirp amach, the cow had a prolapsus (at calving).
~ coirp, intinne, anama, bodily, mental, spiritual, food.
~ coirp, sróine, body, nasal, cavity.
~ coirp agus anama (le chéile), the separation of body and soul.
~ coirp agus intinne, bodily and mental affliction.
~ coirp, movement of body.
~ coirp, carriage of body, posture.
Rinneadh ~ ar na coirp, the bodies were mutilated.
~ coirp, weakness of body.
coirp agus anama, healer of body and soul.
Feoil, coirp, ag ~adh, meat, bodies, decomposing.
~í coirp, body movements.
~ coirp, bodily strength.
Tá ~ coirp agus intinne ann, it is physically and mentally exhausting.
~ coirp, physical exercises; (weariness from) physical exertion.
~ coirp, posture of body.
~ coirp, géag, strength of body, of limbs.