Tá an iomad ~ air, he has too much to contend with, too many to support.
Ag ~ (le), contending (with), causing annoyance (to).
Dul i g~ le duine, to quarrel, contend violently, with s.o.
Ag ~ (le), contending, wrestling (with).
Bheith i n~ le duine (faoi rud), to be contending, vying, with s.o. (about sth.).
Is iomaí duine a bhfuil an ~ sin air, many people have the same problem to contend with.
Ag ~, fighting, contending; making a noise, an uproar.
Ag ~ le, contending, fighting, with.
~ fianaise, contending evidence.
Bheith in ~ le duine, to be contending with s.o.
Ag troid, ag coimhlint, le duine, fighting, contending, with s.o.
2. Ríochan le, to contend with, to control.
~ a dhéanamh faoi rud, to contend about, dispute, sth.
Dul chun ~e le, to join battle with; to grapple with; to contend against.
I d~ le, contending with.
Ag ~ leis an anás, contending with want.