~ croise, money engraved with cross; florin.
~ na croise, the sign of the cross.
Ghearr sé ~ na croise air féin, he made the sign of the cross (on himself).
~a croise, ~a fuara, stilts.
Comhartha, fíor, na Croise, the sign of the cross.
Turas na Croise, the Stations of the Cross.
Cogaí na Croise, the (wars of the) Crusades.
Airgead croise, coin engraved with cross; florin.
C~ na Croise Deirge, the Red Cross Society.
~ na Croise, the sign of the Cross.
Ghearr sí ~ na Croise uirthi féin, she made the sign of the Cross.
Fíor na croise a ghearradh ort féin, to make the sign of the cross on oneself.
~ croise, ~ crosach, coin engraved with cross, florin.
~ croise, cross-arm of cross.
~ na Croise, the Stations of the Cross.