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dá-7 = dé-4
1, conj. (Used with past subjunctive or conditional)(Eclipses) If. Dá bhfágainn, dá bhfágfainn, agat é, had I left, were I to leave, it to you. Dá dtéinn, dá rachainn, leis, if I were to go, had gone, with him. Dá mbeinn gan titim, if I had not fallen. Dá mbeadh gan ocras a bheith orm, if I were not hungry. Dá mb’fhearr leat é, should you prefer it. Dá mba liomsa é, if it were mine. Dá mba rud é go mbeadh sé ann, supposing he was there. Dá mba ea féin, even if it were, even so. Dá mba inniu (féin) é, (even) if it were (to happen) today. Dá mba ar uair an mheán oíche é, even at the hour of midnight.
2, compound of prep. do or de and poss. a. a. (Affects initial letter of following noun in same manner as a5)1. (do + a) To or for his, her, its, their. (For further meanings of prep. see do3). Gheall sé dá mhac, dá iníon, é, he promised it to his son, to his daughter. Thug sí dá hathair, dá máthair, é, she gave it to her father, to her mother. Thug siad misneach dá bhfoireann, dá n-imreoirí, they gave encouragement to their team, to their players. Chuir sé i dtaisce dá chlann é, he put it by for his children. Éan ag seiftiú dá ghearrcaigh, a bird providing for its nestlings. 2. (de + a) Of or from or off his, her, its, their. (For further meanings of prep. see de1). Bhain sé dá cheann é, he removed it from his head. Ghearr sí dá muinchille é, she cut it off her sleeve. Rinne siad dá ndeoin féin é, they did it of their own free will. Duine dá ghaolta, one of his relatives. Cuid dá n-oidhreacht, part of their inheritance. 3 = 4. S.a. barr17, brí 4, réir 1, 2.
3, compound of prep. do or de and rel. part. a. (Eclipses)1. Lit:(a)(do + a) To or for or on whom or which. A Rí dá ngéillim agus dá bhfónaim, O King to whom I render obedience and service. An té dá dtugas gean, the person on whom I bestowed affection. (b)(de + a) Of or from or off whom or which. An chraobh dá mbaintear é, the branch from which it is cut. An chré dá ndearnadh iad, the clay of which they were made. 2. (de + a)(a) Of those who(m), of that which. Iomlán dá mbaineann linn, all (of those) who are connected with us. Gach pingin dá bhfuair sé, every penny he got. (b)(In reference to place or time) That. Gach áit dá mbím, everywhere (that) I happen to be. Gach uair dá smaoiním air, every time I think of it. Lá dá bhfaca mé é, on a day that I saw him. (c) (Following abstract noun preceded by 4)Dá fheabhas dá bhfuil sé, however good he is.
4, compound of prep. de and part. a used with abstract nouns denoting degree. (Lenites) However. Dá airde an sliabh, however high the mountain. Dá óige é is amhlaidh is fearr é, the younger he is the better. Dá ghéire an scian ní ghearrfaidh sí iad, sharp as the knife is it will not cut them. Dá fheabhas é, excellent as it is. Dá laghad é is maith liom agam é, little as it is I am glad to have it. Dá mhéad a fuair sé ní raibh sé sásta, no matter how much he got he was not satisfied. Tá gach aon ní dá bhreáthacht acu, they have the choicest, the best of everything.
5 :dhá1.
6 = á1.
Dá mbeifeá i nGaillimh, ~, supposing you were in Galway.
Dhá ~ a bheith ar do choigeal agat, to have two strings to one's bow.
Dhá phunt ~ pingin, two pounds, all but a penny.
~ an Dá Lá Dhéag, (i) the Twelve Days of Christmas, (ii) Epiphany.
Dá mbeadh caint ag na clocha, if stones could speak.
Dá mbeadh bliain eile agam, if I had another year.
Dá n-ólfadh, ~ an buidéal, ní dhéanfadh sé aon cheo air, if he did drink it, even the whole bottle, it would do him no harm.
Labhair sé liom, amhail ~ dá mbeadh aithne aige orm, he spoke to me as if he knew me.
Is mór dá ~ atá orm, I deeply regret it.
Dá mbeadh breith, greim, ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Gach ~ dá chorp, every member of his body.
Dá mb’~ leis teacht, if he wished to come; if he would only come.
Dá ~ sin, ~ sin (is uile), notwithstanding (all) that.
Dá mbeadh ~ aici ar na páistí, if she cared for the children.
Dá mbeadh ~ aige, if he had care, attention.
Thug sé ~ dá chuid airgid, he saved his money.
Agus an dá lá (a chur) san ~, both days (to be) included.
Is cosúil go raibh siad in ~ dá chéile, it seems they were fated for each other.
Tá aistí dá chuid féin aige, he has his own peculiar ways.
~ dhá bhó, two-cow holding.
Dá mbeifeá i m’~se, if you were in my situation, circumstances.
Daoine a chur in ~ dá chéile; ~ a thabhairt do dhaoine ar a chéile, to bring people together, to introduce people to each other.
Daoine a chur in ~ dá chéile, to introduce people to each other.
Dá mbeadh breith ar a ~ aige, if he could undo what he has done.
Dá ndéanfá ~ ar d’athair, if you were to follow your father’s example.
Dá bhfaighinn ~ air, if I got an opening, a chance, to hit him.
~ is dá mbeadh fíon aige, as if he had wine.
Fiú ~ dá mbeadh sé agam, even if I had it.
Is fearr ~ amháin romhat ná dhá ~ i do dhiaidh, foresight is better than hindsight.
Dá mhéad é is ~ is fearr é, the bigger (it is) the better.
Dá mbeadh m’~ (i ngeall) air, if my life depended on it.
Dá mbeinn ~ an uair sin, had I lived then.
Tá sé mór dá ~, ina ~, he is big for his age.
Idir an dá ~, of uncertain age.
Dhá ~, two ones.
Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) dá gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now.
Dá mbeadh ~ mhaith duit ann, if it were any good to you.
Dá thoil ~ féin, of his own free will.
~ dhá thacar, union of two sets.
Tá dhá thaobh air, it has two sides.
Dá mbeadh trucail ar an asal, if the donkey were drawing a cart.
Dá mbeadh ceannach ar leabhair, if books were being bought.
Dá mbeadh tart, ocras, laige, ar dhuine, if one were thirsty, hungry, weak.
Dá mbeadh muinín aige as féin, if he had confidence in himself.
Dá gcuirfeadh sé a átháin amach, try as he might.
Tá dhá thaobh ar an mbád, there are two sides to the story.
~eadh (dá chosa) sa doimhneacht é, he was taken off his feet in the deep water.
Chuir mé cluiche agus bhí mé dhá phingin sa bháin, I got a game and was owed twopence from the kitty.
~eadh dá chosa, dá threoir, é, he was taken off his feet, put off his stride.
Ag ~t barr dá chéile, vying with each other.
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