dí2 : deoch1.
dí-1, pref. De-, di-, dis-, in-, un-
3. ~ (dí), measure (of drink).
~ dí, a quantity of drink.
~ dí, tobac, drinker, smoker.
~ dí ar dhuine, withholding of drink from s.o.
~ dí, voracious drinking.
Tabhair ~ dí dó, give him a drop to drink.
Bhí ~ bia agus dí ann, there were lashings of food and drink.
Ól na dí seirbhe a thabhairt ar rud, to face up to an unpleasant situation, to get a disagreeable task over and done with.
Tá ~ dí, airgid, aige, he has lashings of drink, of money.
Tá ~ dí againn, we have lashings of drink, more than we can drink.
Tá ~ dí air, he is fuddled with drink.
~ gach bia agus sean gach dí, fresh food and mature drink (are best).
Bhí ~ gach bia agus sean gach dí ann, the best of food and drink was provided, it was a real feast.
Tá ~ na dí aige, he keeps the best of drink.
~ dí, bitterness, sour taste, of drink.
~ (dí), imbiber, tippler.
Bhí sé ag ~adh dí leo, he was plying them with drink.