D’éirigh sé a chaint, he rose to speak.
An síol a cuireadh, a d’fhás, the seed which was sown, which grew.
An cat a d’ól an bainne, the cat which drank the milk.
An té a d’fhreagair mé, the person who answered me.
~ é! ~ sin! Dúirt tú é! D’fhéadfá a rá! You’ve said it! You’re perfectly right!
~ d’urnaí, say your prayers.
Déarfaidh mé thú le d’athair, I’ll report you to your father.
D’fhíor nó d’~, in earnest or in jest.
Chuaigh sé d’~ thairis, he bounded over it.
D’~ is d’áirithe, ever and always, constantly.
Níl sé d’~ aige na fiacha a íoc, he is unable to pay his debts.
Bhí sé d’~ orm éalú uathu, I had the good fortune to escape from them.
D’~ siad íola, they worshipped idols.
D’~ an t-ainm di, the name stuck to her.
D’~ sé go raibh an ceart agam, he admitted that I was right.
D’fhan an méid sin agam, that amount remained in my possession.
D’aithin mé cé a bhí agam, I recognized who was in my presence.
D’~ mé é fanacht sa bhaile, I pleaded with him, begged him, to stay at home.
D’~ sé a fhearg, a dhíoltas, orthu, he wreaked his anger, his vengeance, on them.
Tabhair d’~ mar seo, face this way.
Tabhair d’ ~ ar an obair, go about your work.
D’ól mé é ~ ba é an togha é, I drank it and it was first class.
D’imigh sé go Meiriceá. A~ nuair a bhí sé tamall thall . . . . He went to America. And when he was there some time . . . .
D’imigh sé ~ fearg air, he went away in anger.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
D’aithin mé é chomh luath ~ a chonaic mé é, I recognized him as soon as I saw him.
Le toil d’~e, please your reverence.
Coimeád an méid seo i d’~, bear this in mind.
Ná lig as d’~ é, don’t let it out of your mind.
Cuir d’~ leis, set your mind to it.
Tá sí lán d’~, she is full of life, high-spirited.
Chasfadh sé d’~, it would nauseate you.
D’~ a dhéanamh, to harm, to work evil for, oneself.
Tá tú ar bhealach d’~a, you are on the road to ruin.
Ní obair d’~ í, it is not (suitable) work for an inexperienced person, for a greenhorn.
D’anam, do náire, a anacal, to guard one’s soul, one’s honour.
Fear (de) d’~, a man of your name; your namesake.
Is fear de d’~, ar d’~, é, he is a namesake of yours.
D’~ a chur le rud, to sign sth.
Cuir síos d’~ leis, enter your name for it.
Tá an bhá lán d’ainmhithe inniu, the bay is full of seals, etc., today.
D’~, in ~, ~, notwithstanding, in spite of.
~, d’~, a chuid saibhris, for all his wealth.
~, d’~, gur labhair mé leis, although I spoke to him.
Fear de d’~, a man of your inches.
Tabhair do d’~, observe; take heed.
Bí ar d’~ ar, be on your guard against.
Bí ar d’~, watch yourself.
D’~ mé sa láthair é, I sensed his presence.
D’aithneoinn a chraiceann ar tom, ar crann, I’d know him anywhere.
Ar bhiorán buí bhuailfinn é, for two pins I’d strike him.
Ba bhreá liom a bheith ann, I’d love to be there.
Ba cheanúil liom a bheith ina measc, I’d love to be among them.
Chuirfinn mo cheann ar ~ (go), I’d bet my life (that).
Dá gcuirfinn an ~ beag i mullach an chnoic mhóir, no matter what I’d do (it would not serve).
Dh, dh represent lenited D.
B’fhearr liom a bheith lena thaobh ná ina dheabhaidh, I’d rather be with him than against him.
Ba dheas liom labhairt leo, I’d like to speak to them.
Is ~ a chodlóinn néal, I’d love to take a nap.
D’íosfadh sé an gharbhach, he’d eat anything.
Is go mb’fhearr liom míle uair é (ná), I’d prefer it a thousand times (to).
2. Leabhróinn gur tú a chonaic mé, I’d swear it was you I saw.
B’fhearr liom ar ~a (dearga) ifrinn é, I’d see him damned first.
Is ~ liom a thiocfaidh sé, he will come too soon for me, I’d prefer he didn’t come.
Ba luaithe a ligfinn leis na madraí é, I’d sooner let the dogs have it.
Ba mhaith liom braon tae (a fháil), I’d like (to get) a drop of tea.
D’fhágfainn an mhala ar an tsúil aige, I’d settle his hash for him.
Ba mhéanar liom a bheith ann, I’d love to be there.
Dhéanfadh sé bia ~ díot, he’d make mincemeat of you.
~ d’éag uaidh sin amach, I’d gladly die after that.
~ n-imeoinn, n-imínn, anois bheinn déanach, if I didn’t go now I’d be late.
Ní ligfeadh an ~ dom é, I’d be ashamed to do it.
Phéirseálfainn thú, I’d give you a hiding.
Phléascfainn do bhlaosc, I’d crack your skull.
Bhrisfinn do phus, I’d break your mouth.
Ramhróinn an ceann agat, I’d knock you senseless.
Rachainn faoin ~ chuige, I’d risk anything for it.
B’fhearr liom ná ~ maith a bheith ina gcuideachta, I’d like very much to be in their company.
Ní shamhlóinn rud mar sin leis, I’d never expect anything like that of him.
Ní shamhlóinn leat, duit, é, I’d never think it of you.
Bhainfinn an ~ díot, I’d knock your block off.
Ba mhaith liom siúl amach Dé Domhnaigh, I’d like to walk out on Sunday.
Shíl mé go ~fainn, I thought I’d die.
~fainn an inchinn as, I’d dash out his brains.
Thiocfainn gan do chuidiú, I’d get on all right without your help.
Rachainn punt eile dá dtagadh orm, I’d go another pound if I had to.
Rachainn ar meisce ina dhiaidh, I’d get drunk as a result of it.
Ní thomhaisfeá cé mé féin, you’d never guess who I am.
Dhéanfainn é dá mbeadh an ~ ionam, I’d do it if I could summon up strength for it.
Ní thuairimeoinn choíche é, I’d never guess it.
Ba thúisce liom suí ná seasamh, I’d rather sit than stand.