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tar gan, v.i. Do without. Teacht gan rud, to do without sth. Thiocfainn gan do chuidiú, I’d get on all right without your help.
Is ~ a tháinig sé agus gan an leabhar leis, actually he came without bringing the book.
Tháinig sé gan chuireadh gan iarraidh, gan chuireadh gan chóiste, he came without having been invited.
Ní h~ go haontíos; ní thig ~ gan aontíos, if you want to know me come and live with me.
Tiocfaidh sé ~ mhoill, he will come without delay, soon.
Imeacht ~ teacht air! May he go and never come back.
~ gan teacht air! I hope he is gone for good!
Teacht gan mhothú ar dhuine, to come unnoticed upon s.o., to take s.o. unawares.
~ gan cheart b’éigean dó teacht, he had to come whether he liked it or not.
Dá mbeadh ~ againn gan airgead, if we could do without money.
Tá ~ gan é, it can be dispensed with.
Ní raibh aon ~ agat teacht anseo gan chead, you had no right to come here without permission.
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