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Bhí siad ar dinnéar againn, we had them to dinner.
Bí in ~ ag do dhinnéar, be in time for your dinner.
~ an dinnéir, dinner bell.
Tá a ndinnéar coscartha go maith acu faoi seo, they have their dinner well digested by now.
~ a fháil (ar dinnéar, chun bainise), to receive an invitation (to a dinner, a wedding).
Arán, tae, an dinnéar, féasta, a dhéanamh, to make bread, tea, the dinner, a feast.
Do dhinnéar a dhéanamh, a chaitheamh, a ithe, to take one’s dinner.
Bheith, dul, ar ~, to be at, go to, a dinner.
Tar, suigh, chuig do dhinnéar, chun do dhinnéir, come, sit down, to your dinner.
Am dinnéir, dinner-time.
~ dinnéir, dinner-service.
Dinnéar ~, excellent dinner.
Bhí ~ air chun a dhinnéir, he was hungry for his dinner.
Tá an dinnéar ~, dinner is ready.
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