~ umhal (ola agus aithrí), death with resignation (after penance and extreme unction).
Dul, teacht, sa bhile buaice ar dhuine, to take extreme measures against s.o.
As, thar, ~, exceeding, extreme.
In ~ a ré, a aoise, in his extreme old age.
Ar ghob na cé, at the extreme end of the quay.
Ar ~ ar ea, ar ~ ar éigean, barely, by dint of extreme effort.
An ~ dhéanach, extreme unction.
An ~ a chur ar dhuine, to administer extreme unction to s.o., to anoint s.o.
~ agus aithrí, (sacraments of) extreme unction and penance.
~ Chríost, the seal of Christ, extreme unction.
~ déanach, extreme unction.