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Tá ~ bán ar gharraí an iascaire, the sea is flecked with foam.
~ chúir, foam-flake.
Tá ~ ar an bhfarraige, the sea is ruffled, white with foam.
~í cúir, foam crests.
Leann ag ~eadh, beer foaming.
Bhí ~ cúir lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Tháinig leá choipeadh na habhann orthu, they melted away (like foam on the river).
Tá an fharraige ina ~í bána, the sea is flecked with foam.
Bhí cúr lena chúlbhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
~ na habhann, na dtonn, the foam on the river, on the waves.
Bhí ~ lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Bhí ~ lena bhéal, he was foaming at the mouth.
Chomh ~ leis an aol, leis an eala, le cúr sceite, le sneachta na haon oíche, as white as lime, as a swan, as falling foam, as overnight snow.
Tá goráin ar an bhfarraige, there are patches of foam on the sea.
Tháinig ~ chúr na habhann orthu, they disappeared like the foam on the river.
~ cúir, sheet of foam.
2. Ag maistreadh cúir, spewing foam.
~ cúráin, foam-bubbles.
~ chúir, track of foam.
~ toinne, abhann, foam of wave, of river.
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