Seachtain ó ~, tomorrow week (future).
bí, to denote either habitual or future state or action)
Duine a bhfuil ~ ann, one who looks to the future; one who considers circumstances.
I bh~ anonn, far over; very late; in the distant future.
An lá is faide anonn, in the distant future.
An aimsir fháistineach, the future tense.
Déan mo chomhairle ~, take my advice for the future.
~ choíche, for all future time, evermore;
Go ~, in the near future.
Tá do shaol ar do láimh féin agat, your future rests in your own hands.
Ag iarraidh léamh ar an am atá romhainn, trying to read the future.
Amharc, breathnaigh, dearc, romhat, look ahead, where you are going, to the future.
An ~ atá le teacht, the future life, the world to come.
(An) lá is ~ anonn, in the distant future.