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Cipíní, clocha, a bhailiú, to gather sticks, stones.
Scata a bhailiú, to gather a crowd.
Rudaí a bhailiú le chéile, i gceann a chéile, to gather things together.
Ag bailiú neide, gathering material for a nest.
~ ina charnán é, gather it into a heap.
Bailígí thart, timpeall, orm anseo, gather, assemble, around me here.
An coirce a bhailiú isteach, to gather in the oats.
Ag cruinniú roimhe is ag bailiú ina dhiaidh, gathering up everything he can lay hands on.
~ daoine, gathering, assembly.
~ daoine, gathering of people.
Chruinnigh sé a bhalcaisí le chéile, he gathered together the bits of clothing he had.
~ a chruinniú, to gather sticks, kindling.
~ tionóil, sochraide, head of gathering, of funeral procession.
Tháinig ~ orm os comhair an chruinnithe, I got nervous in front of the gathering.
Ag cruinniú ~í, gathering sticks.
Lá sa chladach, a day at the sea-shore; a day gathering seaweed.
Ag ~, working along the shore, gathering seaweed, etc.
Ní thagann caonach ar chloch reatha, a rolling stone gathers no moss.
Iad a chluicheadh isteach, le chéile, to gather them in, drive them together.
Madraí ag ~eadh, dogs gathering, hunting, in packs.
~ mara agus tíre, food gathered from sea and land.
Ag déanamh cnuasaigh, gathering shell-fish, dulse, etc.
Ag cnuasach drochaigne, gathering ill will.
Rudaí a choigilt (le chéile), to gather things closely together.
Choigil sí an leanbh chuici, she gathered the child to her.
Rudaí a chomhchruinniú, to gather things together.
~ fhear Éireann, a gathering of the men of Ireland.
Aonach, cruinniú, a chomóradh, to convene a fair, a gathering.
Do neart a chonlú, to gather one’s strength.
~ chugat é, gather it up.
Chonlaigh sé é féin, he gathered himself together.
I g~ an chruinnithe, in the very midst of the gathering.
Chuir sé a dhá chos d’aon taobh, he gathered himself, became resolute.
~tha i gceann a chéile, gathered together, into small compass.
An coirce a chur i g~, to gather in, stack, the oats.
~ i gceann a chéile, gathered together, compact.
~ i mo lámh, gathered in my hand.
~ cuachta, gathered in a bundle, gathered up and stowed away.
Bhíomar ~ sa halla, we were gathered in the hall.
Daoine a chruinniú (le chéile, in áit), to gather people (together, in a place).
Cruinniú in áit, to gather in a place.
Cruinniú thart, timpeall, ar dhuine, to gather round s.o.
Clocha a chruinniú, to gather stones.
Éadach a chruinniú, to gather, pucker, cloth.
Do neart a chruinniú, to gather one’s strength.
Ag cruinniú snó, gathering colour.
~ daoine, a gathering of people.
B’éigean di ~ a chur ar an obair, she had to gather help for the work.
Rudaí a chúbláil chugat, to gather things to oneself.
Bhí siad i n~ chomhairle, they were gathered in consultation.
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