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giorria, m. (gs. ~, pl. ~cha). Hare. ~ a chur ina shuí, to start a hare; to bring up a matter for discussion, to start an argument. S.a. bearna, beatha1 1, pis1 1(b).(Var: pl. giorraithe)
~ ghiorria, ~ mhíl, hare-lip.
~ an ghiorria, hunted life.
~ giorria, large hare.
Ar bhonn giorria, on the track of a hare.
Giorria a chluicheadh, to turn a hare.
~ a bhaint as giorria, to turn a hare.
~ gé, giorria, very light sleep.
~ a bhaint as giorria, to turn a hare.
~ bric, giorria, huge trout, hare.
~ giorriacha, hare-coursing. leithéid de chúrsáil, such a chase; such running about.
Ag ~ giorria, coursing a hare.
Briseann an ~ trí chrúba, trí shúile, an chait; sciurdann ~ trí na crúba (agus leanann cú giorria), everything takes after its kind.
~ a bhaint as giorria, to start a hare.
Giorria, sionnach, a dhúiseacht, to start a hare, a fox.
D’~ giorria romham, a hare rose in front of me.
An giorria san fhásach (agus an breac ar an linn), the hare takes to the wild (and the trout to the pool); everything takes after its kind.
Tá an giorria ~ta (as an tor) againn, we have completed the harvesting operations, finished the job.
Éan, iasc, giorria, a ghabháil, to catch, trap, a bird, a fish, a hare.
~ giorria, hare’s couch.
(Giorria, etc.) ar a ghrot, (a hare, etc.) sitting up, on its hunkers.
~ giorria, hare’s leap.
Chuir sé ~ ghiorria d’im air, he piled it high with butter.
Chomh ~ le giorria, as fleet as a hare.
~ de ghiorria, plump hare.
~ ghiorria, wild vetch.
~ giorria, big plump hare.
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