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Tá na héin ~, the chicks are hatched out.
Ní ~ é go raibh sé ar an bport, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
Ag cothú ceilge, creating mischief, hatching a plot.
~ haiste, hatch-cover.
~ ghé, hatching goose.
Ag ~adh ceilge, hatching a plot.
Dhaingnigh siad (síos) na haistí, they battened down the hatches.
~ a leagan, to set a clutch of eggs for hatching.
Uibheacha ~, hatching eggs.
~ a dhéanamh ar uibheacha, to hatch eggs.
Uibheacha a ghoradh, to hatch eggs.
Éan crua a ~adh sa Mhárta, a hardy bird hatched in March.
Bheith ag ~adh ar rud, to be brooding over, hatching, sth.
~ uibheacha, eochraí, hatching of eggs, of spawn.
~ a dhruidim, a dhaingniú, to batten down, secure, a hatch.
Uibheacha (éillín) a ~an, to set a clutch of eggs (for hatching).
Ál a ~ean amach, to hatch out a brood.
Ní luífeadh an chearc ar na huibheacha, the hen would not hatch the eggs.
Ná ~ an fia go bhfeice tú é, don’t count your chickens before they are hatched.
Haistí a ~adh, to batten down hatches.
Tháinig an t-éillín amach, the brood was hatched.
Éan ag teacht as ubh, a bird hatching from an egg.
Na haistí a theannadh, to batten down the hatches.
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