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Ar, in, ~ ag, in service with, hired for a period by.
Duine a chur ar, in, ~, to send s.o. into service, to hire out s.o.
Lucht ~e, hired workers, servants.
Lucht formála, hired persons.
Ar ~, on hire, on lease.
Duine a fhostú (ar feadh tréimhse, le hobair a dhéanamh), to hire s.o. (for a period, to do a job).
Carr a fhostú, to hire a car.
San áit a raibh sé ar ~, where he was hired.
~ gluaisteán, hiring of cars.
Rud a ~ean amach chuig duine, to hire out sth. to s.o.
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