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Obair, turas, in ~, work, a journey, in vain.
~ uisce, journey to fetch water.
3. Turas in ~, a journey in vain.
An turas ~, the outward journey.
Beidh turas fada oraibh, you will have a long journey.
Giota a bhaint de thuras, den bhealach, to shorten, set out on first stage of, a journey.
~ a thurais, profit as a result of his journey.
Cur, dul, chun bóthair, to take the road, set out on journey.
Duine a bhaint dá bhóthar, to interrupt, delay, s.o.’s journey.
Dul ar an m~ fada, to die, to take the last long journey.
~ mo shiúil, the purpose of my journey.
~ cúrsa, turais, rása, end of course, of journey, of race.
~ cúrsa, scríbe, journey’s end.
Ciorróidh sé an bóthar dúinn, it will shorten the journey for us.
Choisc sé aistear dom, he saved me a journey.
I g~ an turais, an Domhnaigh, na Nollag, for the journey, for Sunday, for Christmas.
Ceann ~e, journey’s end.
Níl mé sa chruth (is) go ndéanfainn an siúl, I am not in a fit condition for the journey.
Duine a chur ar aistear, ar thóir ruda, to send s.o. on a journey, in search of sth.
Obair, siúl, a chur díot, to accomplish work, a journey.
Do chúrsa a chur díot, to complete one’s course; to finish one’s journey, round (of business).
Ar a chúrsa dó, on his journey, on his round.
Seo deireadh ár g~, so we come to journey’s end.
Ceann ~, end of journey, destination.
Ba dhaor an turas orm é, I paid dearly, suffered, for that journey.
~ agus dea-lá chun na cille, a good death and a good day on one’s last journey.
~ chun na cille, a good day for one’s last journey.
Turas, aistear, a dhéanamh, to make a pilgrimage, a journey.
~ scéil, leabhair, aistir, the end of a story, of a book, of a journey.
Is ~ do ghnó, do thuras, your work, your journey, is in vain.
Aistear ~, weary, wearying, journey.
Turas na ~a, inhospitable journey.
Go n-éirí do lá, do thuras, do phósadh, leat, may your day, your journey, your marriage, be a success.
Ar a n-~, on their ride, on their journey.
Dul ar ~, to go on a journey, on an expedition.
~eadh abhaile, ó thuras, to return home., from a journey.
Aistear ~, fruitless journey.
Ag ~áil abhaile, chun na hoifige, ar turas, go hÁrainn, thar sáile, going home, to the office, on a journey, to Aran, overseas.
Aistear ~, short journey.
An lá, an turas, an bóthar, a ghearradh, to shorten the day, the journey, the road.
An bealach a ghiorrú, to shorten, relieve the tedium of, the journey.
Bheith ar ~, to be shifting, flitting, on a migratory journey.
Ní raibh mo thuras ~ orm, I had little to show for my journey.
Tú féin a inleadh le haghaidh aistir, to make oneself ready for a journey.
Iompú ó aistear, ó chontúirt, to turn back from a journey, from danger.
Turas gan iompú, a journey from which there is no return.
Chuaigh sé ann dá shiúl ionsaithe, he made the journey there on foot.
Turas ~, rather long journey.
~ bóthair, provisions for journey.
Fuair mé ~ m’aistir, I did well out of my journey.
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