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Fág as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning.
Fágadh, cuireadh, ar dhroim an bhealaigh mhóir iad, they were left homeless, driven out on the road.
Rud a fhágáil ina bhratscair, to leave sth. spread out on the ground.
D’fhág sé an ~ is an fhoireann acu, he left them the whole caboodle, cleared out.
Tá siad ag imeacht ~, they are going all-out; they are leaving as fast as they can.
Fágadh ar chúl ~a sinn, we were left out in the cold.
D’~ sé ar a chos chlé, he rose on his left foot; he got out of bed on the wrong side.
D’fhág mé an ruaim is an fhabhair aige, I left him the whole lot, cleared out and let him do what he liked.
Cá bhfágfá thú féin? What about yourself? How could you leave yourself out of it?
~ amach as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning.
as, leave me out of it.
~ as an áireamh é, leave it out of the reckoning.
Tá sé ag ~áil thar leath na bhfocal, he is leaving out half the words.
D’fhág sé an ~ is a raibh ann acu, he left the whole lot to them, cleared out.
~ sé as a lámh é, he left it out of his hand.
Glan as ár ~ta, get out of our way; leave us alone.
Cas an scriú ar clé agus tiocfaidh sé, turn the screw to the left and it will come out.
Tá tú ag dul thar leath na bhfocal, you are leaving out half the words.
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