liath1, m. (gs. léith, npl. ~a, gpl. ~). 1. Grey (colour). 2. (a) Grey-haired person. Ó ~ go leanbh, people of all ages, both old and young. Na ~a luatha, people showing early greyness. (b) Grey horse. An ~ a mharcaíocht, to ride the grey. (c) f. (gs. léithe). Grey cow.
liath2, a. (gsm. léith, gsf. & comp. léithe, npl. ~a). Grey. 1. Dath, imir, ~, grey colour, tint. Gruaig, ceann, ~, grey hair, head. Féasóg ~, grey beard. Duine ~, greyhaired person. Béar ~, grizzly bear. Tá mo cheann ~ agaibh, you are giving me grey hairs, wearing me out. Prov: Is minic duine ~ lúfar, grey hairs need not signify old age. Ní chíorfaidh sí ceann ~ go brách, she will never live to comb grey locks. Ceann ~ ort! May you live to a ripe old age! Ó dhuine ~ go leanbh, both old and young. Chomh ~ le broc, le luch, as grey as a badger, as a mouse. Chomh ~ leis an iolar, leis an gceo, as grey as the eagle, as the mist; of hoary antiquity. S.a. deargéadan. 2. Éadach ~, pale grey cloth. Hist: Manach ~, grey monk, Cistercian. 3. Sioc ~, hoar-frost. Bainne ~, watery milk. Arán ~, mouldy bread. Uisce ~, water coloured with milk. S.a. caonach 2, ceathrú1 2(h), cluas 4, clúmh1 6, lus, snas1 3. 4. Líne, véarsa, ~, stray line, verse; line or verse incorporated from an older composition.
liath3, v.t. & i. (pp. -ata). Grey. 1. (a)Ceann, gruaig, ag ~adh, head, hair, turning grey. Is mór atá sé ag ~adh, he is greying fast. (b) Ballaí, éadach, ag ~adh, walls, clothing, becoming faded. Ag ~adh i gcúil, gathering mildew in a corner. Tá na liaga ag ~adh aige, he is immensely rich. 2. (a) Duine a ~adh, to give s.o. grey hairs, to wear s.o. out. (b) Uisce, tae, a ~adh, to colour water, tea (with milk).
liath4, s. (In phrase) ~ uisce = leith uisce : leith1 2.
~ liath, grey, hooded, crow.
~ bán, dubh, rua, liath, cas, (gruaige), fair, dark, red, grey, curly, head (of hair).
Tá an gníomh sin ina cheathrú liath orthu riamh ó shin, that deed is a blot on their escutcheon ever since.
~ liath, mouse-ear hawkweed.
6. ~ liath, downy mildew.
Ar liathadh an choilm, dove-grey.
~ liath, Montagu’s harrier.
~ alabhreac, liath, pied, spotted, flycatcher.
Bhí ~ na léithe air, he was (ashen) grey in the face.
~ bhán, bhuí, liath, white, yellow, grey, wagtail.
~ fhuar, ~ liath, white caterpillar.
Síos go dtí an ~ liath, down to the living rock.
Ó (dhuine) liath go ~; idir liath agus ~, both old and young.
I leith na léithe, tending to grey, greyish.
Ag dul i ~, growing grey; getting old and grey.
Ní raibh ~ na léithe agam, I had nothing at all.
An ~ luath, early greyness.
Cromadh is ~, bending and greying with age.
Leonadh is) ~ ort! Bad cess to you!
~ (beag) a chur ar an tae, to add (a little) milk to the tea.
Níl ~ an tae acu, they are destitute.
Ó dhuine liath go leanbh, from the grey-haired person to the child, both old and young.
Ní raibh ~ liath ina ceann, there wasn’t a grey hair in her head.
Tá ~ liath os cionn a chluaise, there is a greying patch above his ear.
~ liath an earraigh, the grey days of March.
~ bán, geal, liath, white, hoar, frost.