Ag maireachtáil ar an ~, living on one’s savings.
(Beo) ar arán, ar a shaothrú, ar an déirc, (living) on bread, on his earnings, on charity.
Bheith ~ ar arán, ar obair, to live on bread, by work.
Bheinn beo ar leath ~ ann, I could live on half-rations there, I love the place.
Is buaine ~ ná saol, fame lives on after death.
Bheith ar an ~, to be living on charity, reduced to beggary.
Beo ar an n~, living on air.
Mhair siad fada go leor ar na prátaí, they lived for a long time on potatoes.
I d~ le, bordering on, (living) next to.
Tá siad ina gcónaí ar an dara h~, they live on the second floor.