Tá beartaithe agam ar dhul ann, I have made up my mind to go there.
Sin an rud a chuir ar a bhoinn é, that is what set him up, made him.
Tá ~ ann agus ~ as aige, he can’t make up his mind whether to go or not.
2. ~ suas le, make up to, make acquaintance of.
~ a chur ar dhuine, to make up to s.o.
Cuirfidh mise as a chigilteacht é, I’ll make him sit up.
Chuir sé an ~ orm, he gagged me, made me shut up.
~faidh mé leat é, I’ll make it up to you, do as much for you.
Cuir an boc sin ina chónaí, make that fellow shut up.
~ a chur i nduine, to make s.o. shut up.
~a a dhéanamh den chochán, to make up the straw into large sheaves.
Níor chuir sin den ól é, that did not make him give up drink.
Chuir mé romham an teanga a fhoghlaim, I made up my mind to learn the language.
Níl ann ach scéal a ~adh, it is only a made-up story, a fabrication.
Bréag, leithscéal, a chumadh, to make up a lie, an excuse.
Éadach a chumadh, to make up cloth.
Níl ann ach ~, it is just a made-up story.
Tú féin a dhathú, to make up, disguise, oneself.
Figiúirí, cuntas, a dhéanamh suas, to make up, compile, figures, an account.
Suim airgid a dhéanamh suas, to make up, get together, a sum of money.
Scéal a dhéanamh suas, to make up, concoct, a story.
D’intinn a dhéanamh suas, to make up one’s mind.
2. ~ suas le, make up to, curry favour with.
3. Rinne sé suas ar an ardán, he made, proceeded, up towards the stage.
Cén ~ atá ort? What are you hesitating about, waiting for? Why don’t you make up your mind?
~ a dhéanamh de dhuine, to leave s.o. speechless, make s.o. shut up.
Tá ~ agat! You are made up!
Bainfidh mise an fhail díot, I’ll make you sit up.
Bíonn an ~ gnóthach tráthnóna, the laggard is always trying to make up for lost time.
Cuir ~ ort féin, fix yourself up; make yourself presentable.
Ag ~ le duine, making up to, trying to keep in with, s.o.; philandering.
~ a dhéanamh, to make a noise, to kick up a row.
Thug sé ~ ar éirí, he made as if to get up.
Bhí sé ag ~ean siar na gcluas léi, he was making up to her.
~ a dhéanamh le rud, to speed up, make haste with, sth.
Ná bí ag ~ liom mar sin, don’t be making up to me like that.
~ a dhéanamh le duine, to make up to s.o.
~ a dhéanamh le duine, to make up to s.o.
~ a dhéanamh le duine, to make friends with s.o., to make up to s.o.
~ a bhrú ar dhuine, to make up to s.o.; to force one’s company on s.o.
~ a bhaint as duine, to make s.o. hurry up; to make s.o. hop it.
Tá ~ mór orm, I have a considerable leeway to make up.
Bhí sé ~ i m’intinn agam, I had made up my mind to it.
Tá m’intinn socraithe air, my mind is made up to it.
Caithfimid an dá lá a chailleamar a thabhairt isteach, we must make up for the two days we lost.
Ag ~ ar dhuine, making up to s.o.
Cuir ina thost é, silence him, make him shut up.