~ béil, cinn, mental arithmetic.
1. Duine a bhuaireamh sa cheann, san intinn, to cause worry, mental anguish, to s.o.
~ intinne, aigne, mental anguish, worry.
~ intinne, mental torture.
~ intinne, mental adroitness, address.
~ coirp, intinne, anama, bodily, mental, spiritual, food.
Tá sé i g~ a chnámh, a chéille, he is in full possession of his strength, of his mental faculties.
Is ~ an intinn atá aige, he has great mental powers.
~ mheabhrach, mental deficiency.
~ choirp, intinne, physical, mental, ailment.
~ aigne, mental power, intelligence.
~ coirp agus intinne, bodily and mental affliction.
Tuirse, faoiseamh, ~e, mental strain, relief.
Galar, mearú, ~e, mental disease, aberration.
~ céille, mental aberration.
~ intinne, aigne, céille, mental aberration.
~ intinne, stirrings of the mind; mental unrest.
~ choirp agus intinne, physical and mental training.
~ mheabhrach, scríofa, mental, written, computation.
~ céille, derangement; mental aberration.
~ céille, mental aberration.
~ céille, mental derangement.
~ intinne, mental stimulation.
~ intinne, mental confusion; upset, worry.
~ intinne, mental uplift, excitement.
~ aigne, intinne, mental distress.
~ choirp agus intinne, physical and mental weariness.