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seachrán, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~).1. Wandering, straying. Dul ar ~, to lose one’s way, to go astray. Bhain ~ slí dúinn, we took the wrong road. Ná cuir ar ~ sa choill iad, don’t send them astray in the wood. Lucht seachráin, strayers, wanderers. S.a. 3. 2. Aberration, error; delusion. ~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be under a delusion about sth. Earráid agus ~, error and delusion. ~ creidimh, a straying from faith, error of faith. Níl lá seachráin orm faoi sin, I am under no illusion on that point. Ná bíodh ~ ort (faoi), you may be quite sure (about it). Tá ~ ort! Well you know! 3. Derangement, distraction. ~ céille, mental derangement. Tá do chiall ar ~ uait, you are out of your wits. Tá ~ (beag) air, he is (a bit) gone in the head.
Ar meisce, ar seachrán, drunk, astray.
~ chaolbhalla, chriathrach, chúntach, idirphasach, phailise, sheachráin, shómach, thiúbhalla, thin-walled, sieve, auxiliary, resting, palisade, wandering, somatic, thick-walled, cell.
~ fada is seachrán, long and aimless wandering.
~ seachráin, place where one might go astray.
Ag ~áil ar seachrán, ar buile, going astray, mad.
Imeacht ar seachrán, to go astray.
Ná ~ ar seachrán iad, don’t let them go astray.
Duine, uair, ~ nó seachráin, an occasional person, time.
Cúrsa ~ nó seachráin, passing event, anything of interest.
Dul ar seachrán, to go astray.
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