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A dhíth (ar), needed (by).
Bhéarfadh ~ sneachta ann é, he needs no persuasion to go there.
D’iarr sé é ~ gan é ag teastáil uaidh ar chor ar bith, he asked for it although he did not need it at all.
Níor mhór duit ~ láidir a bheith agat chun féachaint air, one would need a strong stomach to look at it.
Níor ~ sé aige é, it had no effect on him; it was inadequate for his needs.
Níl ach ~ duit deifir a bheith ort, there is no need for you to hurry.
Ní ~ duit titim, go dtitfidh tú, you are in no danger of falling, you need not fear that you will fall.
Níl ~ agam ar an aimsir feasta, I need not mind the weather any more.
Shílfeá go raibh a bheatha ag teacht ó neamh chuige, one would think by him that he had no need to earn his living.
Níl agat ach labhairt leis, all you need do is speak to him.
~ an drochmhadra agus ní heagal duit an dea-mhadra, mollify the wicked and you need not fear the strong.
In am an ghátair a bhraitear an chabhair, a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Bheith i m~ airgid, to be in pressing need of money.
Tá sé de bhua orm a bheith ar an anás, I am fated to be always in need.
Chaithfinn fianaise a bheith agam leis, I would need to have evidence of it.
Ní ~ duit labhairt, you have no need to speak.
Má bhíonn ~ agam leis, if I need it.
Má tá tú ina chall, if you need it.
I g~ tobac, in need of tobacco.
Ná bíodh ~ ort faoi, you need not be concerned about it.
Ní ~ duit a shláinte, you need not worry about his health.
Níl rud ar bith gan a chóir féin, everything needs proper attention.
Tá ~ airgid air, he needs money badly.
Do chuid a bhaint as rud, to take one’s share of sth.; to make sth. suffice for one’s needs.
Níl aon chúram agam de, I don’t need it.
Duine ~ nach dtuigeann é, one would need to be very dull not to understand it.
Déan ~ ar an duine bocht, take pity on, help, the poor fellow in his need.
Rud a bheith de dhíobháil ort, to be in need of sth.
~ duine de rud, enough of sth. for a person’s needs.
Rud a bheith de dhíth, a dhíth, ort, to need sth.
Tá an obair seo ~, this work needs urgent attention.
An bhean atá ~ is furasta a cóiriú, [’a handsome woman is easily dressed’, good wine needs no bush.
Do dhóthain a bhaint as rud, to take as much as one needs of sth.
Cé gur beag díol ~ caithfidh sé a sholáthar, ‘little as a wren needs it must gather it’, even the smallest necessities of life have to be provided for.
In am an éigin, in time of need.
~ airgid, need of money.
Níl ~ cainte air, there is no need to discuss it.
Bheith i bh~ ruda, to be in need of sth.
Má tá ~ agat leo, if you need them.
An rud atá d’fheidhm orainn, what we need.
Is é an ~ agat é, it is the very thing you need.
Ní ~ dó a fheabhas, he would need to improve.
Ní ~ dó é, he needs it; it is just as well for him.
Ní ~ a bhfuil ann díobh, there are not too many of them; there is need for all of them.
Díol do fhreastail a sholáthar, to provide enough for one’s needs.
~ a dhéanamh ar dhuine, to attend to s.o.’s needs.
~ ar dhuine, to attend to s.o.’s needs.
Bheith ~ ar, do, dhuine, to be attentive to s.o.’s needs.
~ ama a bheith agat, to have more time than one needs, plenty of time.
~ a bheith agat le rud; bheith i n~ ruda, to have need of sth.
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