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oileán, m. (gs. & npl. -áin, gpl. ~).Island. 1. ~ mara, sea-girt island. An tO~ Úr, the New World, America. 2. Isolated place. ~ sráide, tráchta, street-refuge, traffic island.
D’~ siad an t-oileán aniar, they sighted the island from the west.
Chaith an long an t-oileán, the ship cleared, sailed past, the island.
~ an teampaill, na n-oileán, the church, island, quarter(-lands).
Bhí fiche ~ ar an oileán sin, there were twenty habitations on that island.
Chuir siad don oileán é, they sent him to the island.
An t-oileán a chur fút, to sail to windward of the island.
ar) Ag ~amh amach ar na hoileáin, heading out for the islands.
Oileán ~, solitary island.
Níl sé a fhad amach leis an oileán, it is not as far out as the island.
Ar ancaire ~n oileán, anchored on the lee side of the island.
I bh~, faoi fhothain, an oileáin, under the lee of the island.
Í Cholm Cille, Oileán Í, Iona.
D’~ siad thart ar an oileán, they rowed round the island.
~ den oileán, south of the island.
Bád a ~an ar bhéal cuain, ar oileán, to steer a boat towards a harbour mouth, towards an island.
~ na n-oileán, na gcnoc, island, hill, folk.
An ~ is faide ó thuaidh den oileán, the most northerly point of the island.
Thug mé ~ ar an oileán, I paid a flying visit to the island.
Áit, oileán, ~, isolated place, island.
~ n-oileán uaigneacha thréigthe, seven lonely and deserted islands.
An tOileán S~, the Isle of the Blest.
é, í, iad) ~ é an t-oileán, yonder is the island.
Bíonn siad ag taisteal ar an oileán go fóill, they still make journeys to the island.
Dul ~ na gaoithe den oileán, to pass to windward of the island.
Tá siad ag ~t (amach) ar na hoileáin, they are making for the islands.
Oileán ~, solitary island.
Is ionann oileán is ~ acu, they look on an island as a solitary place.
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