~ agus iomaire, furrow and ridge (in ploughing).
~ baic, ~ ar bac, first strip turned in ploughing lea.
~ treafa, ridge in ploughing.
Ag treabhadh an ~ fhada, ‘ploughing the long ridge’, dying.
Thug siad ~ maith treafa dom, they did a good day’s ploughing for me.
Tá ~ maith den treabhadh déanta, there is a good bit of the ploughing done.
Long ag ~adh na farraige, a ship ploughing the sea.
Ag ~eadh na dtonn, na farraige, ploughing the waves, the seas.
Tá sé ag rómhar leis, he is ploughing his way through (the work, the story).
Tá ~ mhaith treafa déanta acu, they have done a good bit of ploughing.
Ag ~adh na dtonn, ploughing the waves.
Talamh treafa, ploughland, land suitable for ploughing.
Tá an treabhadh ~ aige go fóill, ploughing is too hard a task for him yet.
In ~ treafa, harnessed for ploughing.