Do bhrath a bheith ar dhuine, to depend, rely, on s.o.; to expect help from s.o.
Tá ár g~ ar Dhia, we rely on God for support.
Do chuid a bheith ar Dhia, to be dependent on God for subsistence, rely on God’s gifts.
Tá mé i n~ a mhaitheasa, I rely on his goodness.
Dá mbeadh an tsláinte ag ~eamh dom, if I could rely on my health.
Ná creid feannóg agus ná creid ~, don’t rely on omens.
Ní ar leathchois a tháinig Pádraig go hÉirinn, St. Patrick did not come to Ireland unprepared; one should not rely on half-measures.
Rud a chur i ~ duine, to trust sth. to s.o.; to rely on s.o. to do sth.
Bheith i ~ duine, to be dependent, to have to rely, on s.o.
Ná bí i ~ labhairt leis, don’t just rely on speaking to him; you should do more than speak to him.
Níl agam le seasamh air ach corrlá oibre, I have nothing to rely on but an odd day’s work.
~ a bheith agat ar rud, to rely on sth.
Níl de thaca againn ach é, he is the only person we can rely on.
~ a thabhairt le duine, to rely on s.o.
Ná bíodh ~ agat as glóir shaolta, don’t rely too much on earthly glory.
Níl mórán ~a agam as na cógais sin, I wouldn’t care to rely on those medicines.