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Ar tuarastal, ar a chuid, for a salary, for his meals.
~ tuarastail, increase in salary.
D’íoc sé as a thuarastal é, he paid it out of his salary.
~ as mo thuarastal é, deduct it from my salary.
Ar bheagán tuarastail, on a small salary.
Sa bhreis, mar bhreis, ar a thuarastal, in addition to his salary.
~ as a thuarastal é, keep it out of his salary.
Rud a choinneáil as tuarastal, as an áireamh, to keep sth. out of a salary, out of the reckoning.
Le cois a thuarastail, along with his salary.
Tá a thuarastal ag éirí dó mar a bheadh sé ag obair, his salary accrues to him as if he were working.
~ann an tuarastal céanna leis, the same salary goes with it.
Tuarastal duine a ghearradh, to cut s.o.’s salary.
Tuarastal a ghrádú, to scale a salary.
Tuarastal ~osa, half-month’s, half-monthly, salary.
1. Tuarastal a mhéadú, to increase a salary.
~, riaráistí, cíosa, tuarastail, arrears of rent, of salary.
~adh punt as mo thuarastal, a pound was withheld from my salary.
~ tuarastail, withholding of salary.
Post, tuarastal, pinsean, a thabhairt, to give a job, a salary, a pension.
Tuarastal, pinsean, a tharraingt, to draw a salary, a pension.
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