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Similar words: eascon · sean · seas · seasonal · seasoned
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In ~ agus in an-~, in and out of season.
In am agus in ~, in and out of season.
~ na bprátaí, an éisc, potato, fishing, season.
Is úr iad broibh go Nollaig, the dead season really begins at Christmas.
~ an dá ráithe, the change of season.
Idir speal is ~, between the haymaking and harvesting seasons.
An ~ nua, the new (season’s) barley; welcome change of food.
~ chroí mór maith, with great goodwill. (Of animals in season)
Go ~, in proper season, at proper time; periodically, regularly.
Séasúr na ~a, the shooting season.
scadán ~, out-of-season herring.
Séasúr an ghoir, nesting season.
~ na n-éan, the nesting season.
~ na móna, the turf-cutting season.
As ~, out of season.
Aimsir láith, rutting season.
Bia a leasú, to season food.
Chruthaigh an séasúr go ~ dúinn, the season turned out well for us.
Séasúr an ocrais, season of scarcity.
~ an tsaoil an fómhar, autumn is the all-providing season.
~ an earraigh, the spring quarter; the season of spring.
~te le dea-chaint, seasoned with wit.
Séasúr ~, lean season.
~ na gcearc, non-laying season for hens.
~ an earraigh, na curadóireachta, spring, sowing, season.
~ na móna, an fhéir, turf-cutting, haymaking, season.
~ na scadán, herring-fishing season.
~ an fhiaigh, hunting season.
I, as, ~, in, out of, season.
~ an sceite, the spawning season. (Of birds)
~ na cúplála, the breeding season.
Bia ~, seasoned, savoury, food.
Adhmad a stálú, to season timber.
Seanlaoch stálaithe anois é, he is a seasoned old warrior now.
~ singil, fillte, séasúir, single, return, season, ticket.
Níor thosaigh an séasúr go fóill, the season hasn’t opened yet.
I d~ agus in antráth, in season and out of season.
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