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Similar words: set down · sit-down · shut down · slip down · smite down
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Suigh agus déan d’~, sit down and stay a while of the night.
An suífeá síos? Would you sit down?
Déan do chomhrá ó b’~ leat suí, have a chat since you seldom sit down.
Suí chun boird, to sit down to table.
Bhí sé de cheart acu suí, they were entitled to sit; they should have sat down.
Suí ~ boird, to sit down to table.
Cad chuige nach suíonn tú? Why don’t you sit down?
Ina suí ag a g~, sitting down to their meal.
~ nach suíonn tú? Why don’t you sit down?
Tar, suigh, chuig do dhinnéar, chun do dhinnéir, come, sit down, to your dinner.
Buail do gheadán fút, sit down on your behind.
Níor ~ leo suí, they didn’t choose to sit down.
Ní luaithe ina suí ná ina ~ í, she never takes, never gets, time to sit down.
~ síos, sit down.
Cuir do shuíochán fút, sit down.
Is fearr dúinn ~ a dhéanamh ar an scéal, we had better sit down to discuss the matter.
~ orthu suí síos, make them sit down.
Suí chun ~, to sit down to table.
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