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tabhair ar, v.t. & i. 1. (Of action directed towards s.o. or sth.) Iarraidh a thabhairt ar rud, to make an attempt at sth. Aird a thabhairt ar dhuine, to pay attention to s.o. Thug sé rúid orm, he made a rush at me. Ná ~ fianaise orm, don’t give evidence against me. Thug mé tarrtháil air, I went to his rescue. Thug siad bail bhocht air, they ill-treated him. S.a. aghaidh11(a).2. Give concerning, in relation to. Do bhreithiúnas a thabhairt ar rud, to give one’s decision on sth. Míniú a thabhairt ar rud, to give an explanation of sth. ~ tuarascáil air, give a report on it. Thug an ráiteas sin léargas éigin ar staid na tíre, that statement gave some insight into the state of the country. 3. Give in exchange for. Airgead a thabhairt ar rud, to give money for sth. Thug tú a luach go maith air, you paid at least as much for it as it was worth. Ná ~ an mhaith ar an olc, don’t exchange good for evil. 4. Give for certain purpose. Rud a thabhairt ar iasacht, to give sth. on loan. Thugadh sé bia ar cairde, he used to give food on credit. Tugadh ar altram é ina naíonacht, he was given in fosterage in his infancy. Tugadh an áit ar a sheilbh, the place was given into his possession. 5. Call, name. Ainm, leasainm, a thabhairt ar dhuine, to give s.o. a name, a nickname. Tugadh Brian air, he was called Brian. Thug sé amadán orm, he called me a fool. Seo an cluiche a dtugtar ‘Thart an Bhróg’ air, this is the game that is known as ‘Pass the Slipper’. 6. Bring on, cause, compel. Thug sé orm an obair a dhéanamh, he made me do the work. ~ orthu suí síos, make them sit down. Thug sé an namhaid orainn, he brought the enemy upon us. Ná ~ aghaidh an phobail orainn, don’t make a public show of us. Thug tú an obair seo uile sa mhullach orm, you brought all this work on top of me. 7. Take to. Thug sé an sliabh air féin, he took to the mountain. ~ an leaba ort féin, take yourself off to bed. 8. Give way, fail. Thug an misneach air, his courage failed him.
Thug sé ~ ar na cnoic, he set out for the hills.
Tabhair d’ ~ ar an obair, go about your work.
Thug sé ~ chomhrá orm, he turned to speak to me.
Thug sé ~ a chraois, a chaoraíochta, orm, he abused, reviled, me.
Ná tabhair ~ an phobail orainn, don’t draw everybody’s attention to us.
Tugadh Brian mar ~ air, he was named Brian.
Ná tabhair ~ air, don’t heed him.
Thug sé ~ mór air, he paid a lot of money for it.
Níorbh áirithe ar thug sé dúinn, what he gave us was not worth mentioning.
Thug an madra ~ orm, the dog made a snap at me.
Thug siad ~ ar na hairm, they tried to grab the weapons.
Thug sé ~ géar orm, he gave me a sharp look.
Is ar éigean a thug siad as an ~ í, they were hardly able to free her from her entanglement (in bog, cleft).
Thug sé ~ na madraí orm, he treated me like a dog, roundly abused me.
Ag caitheamh, tabhairt, ~ (ar), censuring, reproving.
Ní sin ~ ar bith le tabhairt do dhuine, that is no way to greet a person.
Tabhair an ~ ort féin! Get going!
Thug sé ~ ar an mbaile, he took a quick run home.
Tabhair, beir, do bhreith air, say what you think of it.
Ní ag tabhairt ~e air é, not that I want to condemn him.
Tabhair do bhreithiúnas air seo, let me have your verdict on this matter.
Ná tabhair ar chamán ná ar liathróid é, don’t part with it for anything; take very good care of it.
Cé dó ar thug tú é? To whom did you give it?
Tabhair aire do do shláinte, níl ~ uirthi, take care of your health, it is invaluable.
Thug sin ~ dó air, that entitled him to it.
Thug siad gealladh gan ~adh ar a chéile, they promised not to betray each other.
Thug sé an ~ air féin, he took to the hills, ran away.
Thug tú an t-ainm ~ air, you called him by his right name, by the name he deserves.
Is maith an ~ (catha) a thug sí air, she really told him off.
Chuir mé an ~ gearr air; thug mé an ~ gearr dó, I evaded him neatly.
Thug sé a anam ar son na ~e, he gave his life for the cause.
Thug sé coiscéim ar g~, he took a step back.
Ní hé an ~ a thug sé orm, he called me an impolite name, miscalled me.
Is dubh an ~ a thug sé orm, such a black look he gave me.
Thug sé ~ ar bháine, he turned pale.
Thug D~ dom gur éalaigh mé orthu, providentially I escaped from them.
An ~ a tugadh air, the fate that was meted out to him.
Tabhair freagra ~ orm, give me a straight answer.
Tugadh ~ ar na príosúnaigh, the prisoners were ill-treated.
Thug sé ~ uirthi, he made an indecent attack on her.
Ná bí ag tabhairt ~ ort, duit, féin, don’t abuse yourself, your health.
Thug mé iarraidh ar éalú as an seomra, I tried to slip out of the room.
Thug sé grian is ~ air féin (go), he vowed by the sun and the moon (that).
Ar ~ báis, ar ~ Dé, a thug mé m’anam liom, it was only by the merest chance that I escaped with my life.
Ní thugann sé ~ ar bith dom, he pays no attention to what I say.
Thug siad ~ ar a chéile, they sprang at each other.
Thug mé ~ ar é a shaoradh, I darted in to free him.
Thug mé ~ amháin orthu, I took one glance at them.
Thug sé ~ mhillte orm, he gave me a killing look.
Rinne tú ~ air nár thug léann dó, you failed him when you did not educate him.
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