~ cláraithe, morgáiste, riaracháin, seachadóra, Stáit, registered, mortgage, administrative, bearer, Government, bond.
~ an Stáit, the case for the State.
~ (an) stáit, treasury, state funds.
Faoi choimirce an stáit, under the aegis, auspices, of the state.
Stáit a chomhcheangal, to confederate states.
Stáit a chónascadh, to federate states.
Cúraimí stáit, oifige, cares of state, of office.
~ an stáit, the public revenue.
~ páirtí, stáit, party, state, policy.
An ~ Stáit, the Chief State Solicitor.
Ranna stáit, state departments.
~ stáit, secretary of state.
I ~ an stáit, in state service.
Gnóthaí stáit, affairs of state.
~ stáit, government stocks.