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Bhí iontas orm a dhonacht a bhí sé, I was surprised that he was so bad.
Ag déanamh aeir agus iontais díobh, regarding them with wonder and surprise.
Amharc aeir agus iontais, a scene of wonder and surprise.
Chonaic mé an fear romham, I saw (to my surprise) a man in front of me.
Breith gan fhios ar dhuine, to take s.o. by surprise.
Is ~ an peata an saol, there are many surprising turns in life.
Bhí ionadh ~ mhaith air, he was rather surprised.
~ amhrais, iontais, é, it is a matter for suspicion, for surprise.
Ba ~ dó é a dhéanamh, it was surprising that he managed to do it; it went hard with him to do it.
Is ~ an mac é, he is a surprising fellow, a great lad.
Níor dhóichí(de) scéal, rud, de (ná go), it would not be in the least surprising (if).
Bhí áthas, iontas, an domhain orm, I was extremely glad, surprised.
~ duine a ghabháil, to take s.o. by surprise, at a disadvantage.
Bhí iontas air, má b’fhíor dó féin, he pretended to be surprised.
Ionsaí ~a, surprise attack.
~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be surprised at sth.
~ a dhéanamh de rud, to treat sth. as a matter for surprise.
Is ~ liom (go), I am surprised (that).
Ná bíodh ~ ort faoi sin, don’t be surprised about that.
1. Is ~ liom (go), I am surprised (that).
Níorbh iontaí liom an sneachta dearg ná é, nothing would surprise me more.
Is ~ a tháinig tú, it is surprising you came; you were in no hurry to come.
~ a bheith ort faoi rud, to be surprised at sth.
Ní chuirfeadh sé ~ orm (dá), it wouldn’t surprise me (if).
B’ionadh leo ~ an tráchta ar na bóithre, they were surprised at the small amount of traffic on the roads.
Is ~ a sheas a shláinte é, it is surprising that his health stood up to it.
Is ~ (go), it is not surprising (that).
Is mór an ~ mura bhfuil a shaibhreas déanta aige, it is surprising if he hasn’t made a fortune.
Is mór an ~ liomsa mura bhfuil sé fíor, I’ll be greatly surprised if it is not true.
Bhí mo sháith iontais orm, I was really surprised.
Níorbh iontaí liom an ~ dearg ná é, nothing would surprise me more.
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