M’~, m’~ le Dia, gur fíor é, by my soul (I swear) it is true.
An ~ a thabhairt, a chur ar dhuine, to swear, make s.o. swear, by the Bible.
Dar bhrí an bhata seo i mo lámh, (I swear) by this stick in my hand.
Cheangail sé grian agus gealach air féin, he swore by the sun and the moon.
Thug sé ~ (is fiolar), he swore (by this and that).
Dar mo ~! By my hand I swear.
An ~ a thabhairt (i rud), to swear by the book (to sth.).
An leabhar a mhionnú, to swear by the book, on the Bible.
~ is siúd orm (go), I swear by this and that (that).
~ sé an leabhar, he swore by the book.