Ba mhaith liom iad a bheith ann, I would like them to be there.
Chuaigh siad a dtriúr ann, they went there, all three of them.
1) Bhí orm a chur, a cur, a gcur, ar scoil, I had to send him, her, them, to school.
Féadann tú a n-iarraidh air, you may ask him for them.
Bhíomar á gceannach, we were buying them.
Bhí siad á gceannach, (i) they were buying them, (ii) they were being bought.
Bhí ~ ban ina measc, there were a number of women among them.
Níl ann ~ go bhfeicim iad, I can barely see them.
Bhí sé ag déanamh ~ dóibh, he was doing them a turn.
Bhí sé d’~ orm éalú uathu, I had the good fortune to escape from them.
Ag déanamh aeir agus iontais díobh, regarding them with wonder and surprise.
Bhí siad ar dinnéar againn, we had them to dinner.
Bhí troid aige leo, he had a fight with them.
Caithfidh siad a bheith agam amárach, I must have them to-morrow.
Is beag acu a tháinig, few of them came.
Agróidh Dia orthu é, God will punish them for it.
D’~ sé a fhearg, a dhíoltas, orthu, he wreaked his anger, his vengeance, on them.
A n-~ féin ar a chéile, let them fight it out among themselves.
leanfainn iad, there was a time when I would have followed them.
M’~ orthu! A plague on them!
Ní h~ liom iad, I don’t care for them.
Bhí mé ar ~ acu aréir, I stayed with them, was their guest, last night.
Coinnigh ~ orthu, watch over them.
D’~ mé uaim iad, I missed them.
Fuair siad ~ mhaith uaim, I treated them generously.
Chuir sé as a n-~ iad, he sent them astray.
Ní aithním eatarthu, I cannot distinguish between them.
An t-~ a chonaic mé iad, the time I saw them.
Cuir ~ iad, put them out.
Tháinig Brian an treas ~ orthu, Brian came at them for the third attack.
Ní fheicfidh tú aon ~ go deo orthu, you will never see them again.
D’imigh sé lena ~ orthu, he escaped with his life from them.
Níl acu anois ach ~ (amháin) dá gclann, there is only one of their children left to them now.
Tá sé ina ~ marbh eatarthu, neither of them has gained an advantage over the other.
Níl ~ olc iontu, there is no harm in them.
Tá sé ar an duine is deise acu, he is the nicest person among them.
Ar eagla a gcaillte, for fear of losing them.
Ná lig as an tréad iad, don’t let them get away from the herd.
As a measc, from among them.
Chuaigh siad as a smacht, he lost control over them.
Bain do rogha astu, take your choice of them.
Cuir, ceangail, as a chéile iad, place, tie, them end to end.
Mol an t-~ mar a gheobhair, judge things as you find them.
Tháinig an t-~ ar an ~ (agus tháinig mo chuid féin ormsa de), the times have changed utterly (and I have changed along with them).
Ná ~ leo, (i) let them alone; don’t mind them, (ii) have nothing to do with them (for your own sake).
Aon bhail amháin a thabhairt orthu uile, to treat them all alike.
~ do rogha astu, take your pick of them.
~ as a chéile iad, take them apart.
Bhain sé punt díom orthu, he charged me a pound for them.